Pathway to the Sea #2

Paths, Journeys and Destinations filled with anticipation…


I love taking images that include a path, especially a pathway to the sea.  It helps me to remember to enjoy the journey and to hope for what is ahead.

This had beautiful light on the leaves along the path and the perfect wave at the end.  The colors just complemented each other, bringing in the warm colors of fall along the path and the cool colors of spring at the end of the journey.

You don’t often get this color combination in nature, but here it was today.

And I was blessed to capture it. The color of the sea really was that color, the sky, well…artist’s prerogative…I did enhance the pinks of the sunset.  I could see the light on the leaves when I took it and was already planning on the highlight enhancement in post processing.

It gives a sense of peace and expectation as you view it, even more in person.

I will be displaying my seaside collection for the first time anywhere this weekend, November 17 and 18 at the Deland Fall Festival of the Arts.  Please stop by and see me and say hello!

I hope you enjoy this image.  It explores the beautiful colors of the sea and nature all in one image.

Pathway to the Sea #2

If you are unable to be there in person, you can purchase this image (or any of the Seaside collection images)  in a 20×40 canvas for only $245 through this weekend with no shipping!  Please use code FreeShipSea when checking out.  Introductory pricing to introduce the new collection!

